Why Choose Lloyd's for your Senior Portraits?
You already know you want something better and different than the usual photos that most of your classmates will have when they go to the school photographer. Our lives are made up of moments with no rewind buttons. You'll never make it back to your Senior years. So celebrate with a lifetime of lasting memories by having your Senior portraits done by Lloyd's Photography.
Lloyd's Photography offers many services and variety of products.
Outstanding quality
A wide variety of unique and creative images to choose from
1 location, up to 1 hour, 1 outfit
2 locations, up to 2 hours, up to 2 outfits
3 locations, up to 3 hours, up to 4 outfits
4 locations, up to 4 hours, up to 6 outfits
5 locations, up to 5 hours, up to 7 outfits
Mini Session - 1 location, 1 outfit, 30 minutes
Personal props...Bring it! Musical instruments, uniforms-sports equipment, pets - dogs, cats, trucks, motorcycles, hobbies, etc. A best friend, brother or sister. Bring props that help define who you are. Like to shop? Bring shopping bags from hour favorite stores, handbags, your favorite shoes. Love to read, bring your favorite books. Artist..bring your favorite art. Show us who you are and we'll help you record it in a way that's both beautiful and exciting, trendy and classic.
Lloyd personally retouches and performs all the final artwork to your images. Retouching is not left up some anonymous lab employee who really doesn't care. Every image is enhanced.
Because we believe each customer is special and should be given personal attention, all portraits are viewed and ordered on our website.
The bottom line is this, we believe your Senior portraits are the best part of graduating. They're not just "pictures", but works of art with YOU as the subject. Lloyd's Photography understands how priceless these portraits are to you and your family. You deserve the time and personal attention that Lloyd's Photography gives their clients.